135009544.434.544.200434544 Wire guide diamond or ruby guide roller for wire cut EDM features with high accuracy of inneihole, mellow and full hole diameter, long service life with manual grinding of inner hole, easy to feed wire smoothly and hard tobreak.
Commodity: V-guide
Number: P9544
OEM numbers: 135009544,434.544,200434544
Packing quantity: 1 pc(s)
Machine type: AgieCharmilles CUT 200, CUT 200 mS, CUT 200 Sp, CUT 300, CUT 300 mS, CUT 300 Sp,CUT P 1250,CUT P350,CUT P550,CUT P 800,FI230E,FI 240,FI240 CC,FI240 CCS.FI 240 SL.FI 240 SLP,FI330E,FI 440.FI440 CC,FI440CCS,FI 440 SL,FI 440 SLP
Application: Wire-cut EDM
Category: Wire guides